Săptămâna aceasta a culminat cu lansarea unui material audio disco house / deep acid pur românesc; The Gemini Bros semneaza vinilul “No More Hits Vol. 24” sub tutela No More Hits Records – Italia.
Dobândind deja notorietate in țări precum Anglia și Germania datorita desăvârșirii daruite scenei disco, muzica compusa de Răzvan și Ionuț Chiron de la The Gemini Bros cuceresc și ringurile de dans din Italia după ce casa de discuri No More Hits Records le-a lansat la inceputul acestei săptămâni cele mai noi piese, intitulate "Squeezed Hands", "Avant La Nuit" si "Libertha"
Fresh si gata să atingă cu un val de culoare ringurile de dans open-air, mânați de magia verii, The Gemini Bros nu au ezitat să apeleze pentru aceste trei noi piese la amalgamul unic de instrumental groovy ce s-a dovedit a fi rețeta sublimă pentru amatorii muzicii disco, motiv pentru care italienii de la No More Hits si-au dorit ca aceste trei piese sa facă obiectul celebrării celui de-al 24-lea volum din seria lor intitulată omonim “No More Hits”.
Piesa cu numărul unu, Squeezed Hands", se află pe latura A, in timp ce piesele "Avant La Nuit" si "Libertha" se vor a fi ascultate pe verso.
Vinilul se găsește pe Juno Records in limita stocului disponibil, fiind pus in vânzare de luni, 17 iunie 2013.
No More Hits italian label takes over for new sounds in Romania
This week started with a great disco house / deep pure acid release that comes from Romania; The Gemini Bros says "No More Hits" banging the 24th volume of the italian label.
Having grown up in the era in which Romania made the painful, bloody transition from the Ceaucescu regime to take its tentative place in the post-Cold War world, DJs and producers Razvan and Ionut Chiron, AKA The Gemini Bros, hav had to travel further than most to establish himself at the vanguard of disco music.
In Bucharest people can still remember their DJ debut as duo at notorious Web club. Timeless and kickin' house with hand-up-energy and potential to set dance floor on fire! One day the two gemini wanted to go back to Disco roots that has always been in Ionut and Razvan's blood and they felt it was time to play tribute to it; it was not an easy task bringging to disco music a readaptation to our time - until today! The Gemini Bros mix up the old disco feeling with modern sound.
Gainign already recognition in countries such as England or Germany for subtle ripeness brought to disco music, Razvan and Ionut Chiron now aims to italian dance floors. Earlier this week came out their first EP for No More Hits offering up three different ways to conquer summery stages: "Squeezed Hands", "Avant La Nuit" and "Libertha".
The Gemini Bros may at heart be a boogie music performers, but they also do a surprisingly god line in acid. Comparisons to their past releases will no doubt abound; with “No More Hits Vol. 24” The Gemini Bros take a melting-acid approach to their influences that includes various southern Affrican styles and dub, making for an infectious deep acid soup. The languid guitars, delicate bells, organ and live percussion of the title and the third tracks are counterbalanced by spacious synths and pitchbent vocals.
"Avant La Nuit", an instrumental track, opens with a moody bass synth passage, then blooms into a coruscating rhythm compound of beats and keys.
This week started with a great disco house / deep pure acid release that comes from Romania; The Gemini Bros says "No More Hits" banging the 24th volume of the italian label.
Having grown up in the era in which Romania made the painful, bloody transition from the Ceaucescu regime to take its tentative place in the post-Cold War world, DJs and producers Razvan and Ionut Chiron, AKA The Gemini Bros, hav had to travel further than most to establish himself at the vanguard of disco music.
In Bucharest people can still remember their DJ debut as duo at notorious Web club. Timeless and kickin' house with hand-up-energy and potential to set dance floor on fire! One day the two gemini wanted to go back to Disco roots that has always been in Ionut and Razvan's blood and they felt it was time to play tribute to it; it was not an easy task bringging to disco music a readaptation to our time - until today! The Gemini Bros mix up the old disco feeling with modern sound.
Gainign already recognition in countries such as England or Germany for subtle ripeness brought to disco music, Razvan and Ionut Chiron now aims to italian dance floors. Earlier this week came out their first EP for No More Hits offering up three different ways to conquer summery stages: "Squeezed Hands", "Avant La Nuit" and "Libertha".
The Gemini Bros may at heart be a boogie music performers, but they also do a surprisingly god line in acid. Comparisons to their past releases will no doubt abound; with “No More Hits Vol. 24” The Gemini Bros take a melting-acid approach to their influences that includes various southern Affrican styles and dub, making for an infectious deep acid soup. The languid guitars, delicate bells, organ and live percussion of the title and the third tracks are counterbalanced by spacious synths and pitchbent vocals.
"Avant La Nuit", an instrumental track, opens with a moody bass synth passage, then blooms into a coruscating rhythm compound of beats and keys.
Muzica semnata The Gemini Bros mai este reprezentata international de catre casele de discuri ISM Records, Big M Productions, Boogie Boutique, sau Kraak Records - fondata de componentul binecunoscutului duo Kraak & Smaak, si au colaborat pana in prezent cu producatori internationali precum Ursula 1000, CMC&Silenta, Jon Kennedy & Ewan Hoozami, Uptown Funk Empire, dar si cu producatorul roman Raoul Russu caruia i-au remixat piesa "Hey Little Girl"
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